Tattoo Removal to Change Life

Last month, we reported on how one laser tattoo removal center in Detroit was helping to change lives by taking away unwanted tattoos. In that instance, it was primarily gang-related tattoos that were being removed as part of a way to assist formerly-incarcerated individuals on the path to being welcomed into society. However, it's not just Detroit laser tattoo removal folks who are assisting individuals in making changes like these and it's not just incarcerated folks who are in need of community assistance in getting their tattoos removed. A recent online article reported about the Ink-b-Gone Laser Tattoo Removal Center in Colorado which just opened a second location due to an increased need for their services. What they say is that they never realized just how many groups out there need laser tattoo removal services for the purpose of making life changes. For example, Ink-b-gone works with youth groups in the Denver area to assist young people start their lives over. And it's not just troubled kids who need the service; apparently colleges are supportive of tattoo removal for graduating seniors who are having trouble getting a job because of the stigma associated with their tattoos. It would be nice if society wasn't just skin deep in their assessments of people. But since that's not the case, it's nice to know that there are laser tattoo removal places offering discounts to a population needing their services. photo credit
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