Tattoos for Scars

Scar_tattoos_tattoo_blog_June09.jpg For years there has been negative stigma's associated with tattooing, but a new breed of tattoos have emerged onto the market, and these are not for your typical customers. Women who have recently undergone some sort of a breast surgery like mastectomy are known to be getting tattoos over their scars on their breast. Not true to popular belief these tattoos over scars do not hurt more than getting a tattoo anywhere else, likewise first hand reports say the tattoos changed their perspective on sexuality and self-esteem as they felt feminine again post-mastectomy. The Examiner reported, "The tattoo changed my mastectomy scar into my shield," says Pam Huntley, Ms. Huntley and *many women are choosing a more unconventional route after mastectomies-- tattoos*. Any good tattoo artist will work with you on a custom design over a period of time." It is important however to go to a very trained tattoo artist with scaring tattoo experience. The custom designs aren't difficult, but they do require bringing the scar into the design and thus require a bit more finesse and skill.
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