Bite from the Tattoo Bug

Have you been bit by the tattoo bug? Some have an itch for an etch, while others have actually been bitten by the tattoo "superbug" MRSA (Methicillan Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Most tattoo artists are cautious about infections or diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis and Tetanus, however the MRSA bug is a strain of Staph that has the possibility of being transferred via open wounds created by tattooing. US News and World Report released a report saying that these pesky 'bugs' should be treated promptly as they may lead to serious health problems. As of now the FDA does not regulate the production of tattoo inks, so it is up to you as the tattoo-recipient to be wary of your artist, parlor and the ink he/she is using. If you're worried about being pierced thousands of times by a possibly bug ridden tattoo gun it may be a good idea to investigate and actively research where and who you get your body ink from. For other tattoo news and information go to

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